Des infos sur le premier patch Battlefield 2

Par Nerces, Spécialiste PC & Gaming.
Publié le 01 juillet 2005 à 10h49
Alors que nous venons tout juste de publier notre test de Battlefield 2, Electronic Arts et DICE dévoilent le contenu de la première mise à jour à venir dans le courant de la semaine prochaine. L'un des plus gros problèmes actuels concerne la médiocrité du navigateur de serveurs, outil qui manque cruellement de réactivité et de souplesse. Bonne nouvelle donc, il devrait être amélioré (fin du bug des ping à 0) et enrichi de nouvelles fonctions. En revanche, il n'est jamais fait mention de programmes externes pourtant bien pratiques comme All Seeing Eye et on peut donc penser que DICE n'est pas prêt d'abandonner son désastreux outil.

DICE précise également que cette mise à jour v1.01 devrait corriger les différents bugs rencontrés à la reconfiguration des contrôles et ajoute qu'une nouvelle version du serveur dédié pour Linux devrait arriver prochainement. Les possesseurs d'écrans « larges » (widescreen) seront au regret de voir qu'apparemment rien n'a été fait pour eux et il n'est pas non plus question de correctifs pour résoudre les plantages en pleine partie (les informations données peuvent cependant être incomplètes). En revanche, le développeur précise qu'une version bêta de l'éditeur de cartes devrait arriver courant juillet et que l'Advanced Tactical Center (un outil tactique temps réel, plus d'informations ici) sera lancé demain.

Voici, en anglais, les informations complètes à propos de cette mise à jour que vous retrouverez très certainement sur nos serveurs FTP sitôt rendue publique.

Update 1.01 Coming Soon
That's right, the first Battlefield 2 Update is coming your way very soon. We've kept quiet about this update so far, but today we're going to Reveal the major fixes coming with the Update. The best part is, every fix in this update is a result of Community feedback on the demo and retail game release.

- Fixed issues that caused the Multiplayer Browser to become unresponsive.
We've added some new functionality and buttons to the Multiplayer Browser that make finding an open game of Battlefield 2 much, much easier. Issues users have encountered involving zero ping servers or browser hangs have all be addressed.

- Fixed an issue where some game controls were not available to be Rebound within the Options menu.
Some functions previously were not available to be rebound in the Controls Options menus. These items have been added to make rebinding of functions much easier.

- Fixed a crash with rebinding LMB
Users who rebind the Left Mouse Button to "Move forward" rejoice!

With these fixes and more, it should be much easier to get in to a game of Battlefield 2 and that much easier to play it the way you want to play it. Look for this update to be deployed into battle some time next week!

Linux Server Build
Many of you have made us aware of issues with the previously released retail Linux server (2442) in both 32-bit and 64-bit environments. DICE has finished work on a replacement build and QA has been working hard to validate something that we can release to the community. Our goal is to get a fully operational version of the Linux server out to the Community ASAP. Stay tuned to this spot for updates.

BF2 Editor Update
Those of you who have been watching this space over the last couple of weeks are aware the BF2 Editor was intended to be released to the Community by the end of June. While we feel we are on the homestretch now in terms of being able to release a complete Battlefield 2 Mod Development Toolkit, we will not be able to meet our previously stated goal. At this time, we are committed to getting the Open Beta of the Battlefield 2 Editor released some time in July. Stay tuned to this space for more details.

Advanced Tactical Center for Battlefield 2 Releasing!
Tomorrow marks the initial release to the community of a tool built by Foolish Entertainment especially for Battlefield 2 - the Advanced Tactical Center for Battlefield 2. This easy to use tool allows your clan to communicate tactics easily and evolve them together in real time! There are also some new tools to the ATC like "zoom", "export tactic" and a "Custom Map Wizard" that builds upon the already large library of tools! Create and manage your squad before even joining a server with ATC. For more information on ATC, visit
Par Nerces
Spécialiste PC & Gaming
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