Importante mise à jour pour Left 4 Dead

Par Nerces, Spécialiste PC & Gaming.
Publié le 15 janvier 2009 à 09h28
Très attendue par les fans, la mise à jour de Left 4 Dead promise par Valve est enfin disponible. Attention cependant, il ne s'agit pas encore d'ajouter du contenu, les développeurs se focalisant tout d'abord sur la correction de bugs et le rééquilibrage des affrontements.

Ainsi, parmi les très nombreux changements réalisés par cette mise à jour, on retiendra principalement le fait que les survivants auront maintenant plus de difficulté à l'emporter en mode Versus. Du côté du Smoker, il est par exemple question de rendre l'étreinte plus difficile à rompre alors que la langue du mort-vivant se « rechargera » plus vite. L'utilisation du Tank est simplifiée par la mise en surbrillance des éléments de décor utilisables alors que du côté du Hunter, il est devenu un peu plus simple de sauter sur un survivant qui donne des coups de crosse.

La liste complète est disponible ci-dessous (en anglais), mais voilà des modifications qui devraient rendre les affrontements encore plus intéressants en attendant que Valve se penche sur les questions de contenus. Précisons enfin que la mise à jour est d'ores et déjà disponible via Steam (sur PC donc) alors que les joueurs Xbox 360 devront encore patienter quelques jours avant de pouvoir en profiter.



- Fixed Survivors being able to climb surfaces marked for versus infected only.
- Fixed a class of SurvivorBot bugs dealing with rescuing downed players.
- Players can no longer grab ladders while flying through the air after a Tank punch.
- Shooting near a car with an alarm that has already fired the alarm will no longer make chirping noises.
- Improved loading time.
- Fixed mini-gun physics exploit.
- Fixed propane tanks (and other physics objects) causing players to fall through elevators.
- Fixed rare achievement bug issues.
- Fixed several map exploits.
- Fixed various match making issues.
- Fixed NAT traversal issues.

Versus Changes

- Added HUD elements to show status of other infected players.
- Changed color of infected player name in chat to red.
- Fixed exploit where players could spawn infected bots
- Fixed instance where a Survivor changing to the infected team would be attacked by infected bots.
- Normalized special infected melee damage.
- Made the following client commands cheat protected: "Kill" and "explode".
- Fixed exploit where infected players could run away and teleport back to gain health.
- Players can only change teams once per map.
- Players can't change teams while other players are still loading.
- Tank spawns at the same % through the map for both teams in versus mode.
- Made the Tank and Witch spawn directly on the escape route.
- Increased chance of getting the Tank or Witch.
- Fixed team swap issue.


- Easier to pounce a Survivor who is meleeing.
- Increased Minimum damage a Hunter pounce does.


- Fixed Smoker tongue tolerance.
- Smoker now has to be killed or the tongue destroyed for the tongue to break.
- Survivor's cannot bash someone off the tongue until the Survivor being pulled is paralyzed or hanging
- Tongue attacks that fail to paralyze or hang a Survivor will use the shorter ability delay timer.
- Fixed cases where the ability timer was not using the correct time.
- Fixed case where you could point at a Survivor but not register a tongue hit
- Fixed Smoker tongue not targeting and landing properly through PZ ghosts.
- Smoker tongue does damage every second while dragging paralyzed Survivors.


- Bashable objects now appear with a red glow.
- Tanks hitting a car with an alarm disables the alarm permanently.
- Tank frustration timer is only reset by hitting Survivors with rocks or fists.
- Reduced autoshotgun damage against Tanks.


- Witch spawns at the same % through the map for both teams.
- Avoids spawning within a certain % of the tank.
- Fixed an exploit where the Witch could be woken up and tricked into attacking Survivors.
Par Nerces
Spécialiste PC & Gaming
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