War40K - Dawn Of War II est terminé (MàJ)

Par Nerces, Spécialiste PC & Gaming.
Publié le 19 janvier 2009 à 14h48
Alors que la sortie de Warhammer 40.000 : Dawn Of War 2 chez tous les revendeurs de France et de Navarre n'est plus qu'une question de jours, Relic Entertainment et THQ entrent dans la dernière ligne droite et viennent d'annoncer la fin du développement de leur jeu de stratégie temps réel. La version dite gold envoyé par les créateurs a été validée par l'éditeur qui se préparent donc commercialiser la bête. Sa sortie doit intervenir le 20 février prochain.

Les deux partenaires profitent de l'occasion pour annoncer la liste des succès que les joueurs pourront tenter de déverrouiller tout au long de leurs parties. Rappelons que le principe des succès du Games For Windows Live est un système emprunté au Xbox Live de la console de Microsoft. Il s'agit de conditions à remplir pour débloquer des « récompenses » qui prouvent la progression du joueur. Pour Warhammer 40.000 : Dawn Of War 2, il est question de 49 succès qui permettent d'atteindre l'immuable total de 1000 points. Notez enfin que quatre fonds d'écran ont été publiés parallèlement à cette liste.

1. There Is Only War - Terminate 500 Enemy Targets - 25 points
2. Death from Above - Kill 20 enemies using Assault Jump - 10 points
3. Sweeping Advance - Kill an emey who is retreating - 10 points
4. Emperor's Champion - Kill a boss using only your Force Commander - 10 points
5. Lightning Assassin - Kill a boss in less than one minute - 10 points
6. Welcome to Calderis - Complete "Stand With Your Brothers" and "Retake the Hamlet" - 15 points
7. Rant All You Will - Complete "The True Enemy" - 30 points
8. The Cleansing Begins - Complete "The Defense of Argus Gate" - 30 points
9. Astronomical! - Recover the data from the Astronomic Array - 30 points
10. Even In Death I Still Serve - Complete "Into the Hive" - 30 points
11. Heroes of Angel Gate - Complete "Secrest of Angel Forge" - 30 points
12. Fight to Survive - Complete Campaign on Recruit difficulty - 40 points
13. Hold back the Xenos - Complete Campaign on Sergeant difficulty - 40 points
14. Win the War - Complete Campaign on Captain difficulty - 40 points
15. Allies to the Cause - Complete a mission in Co-op mode - 10 points
16. Allies to the Chapter - Complete 15 mission in Co-op - 25 points
17. Battle Brothers - Complete the Campaign in Co-op - 50 points
18. Dug In - Successfully defend 5 Strategic Assets - 10 points
19. Massacre - Complete 10 missions in a row without failing - 10 points
20. Not one inch - Defend a province without losing a single generator - 10 points
21. That's Close Enough - Complete a mission with only ranged weapons - 10 points
22. Rush 'em - Complete a mission under five minutes - 10 points
23. Purge the Xenos - Earn a 5 star Fury rating - 10 points
24. Feel No Pain - Earn a 5 star Resilience rating - 10 points
25. Fleet of Foot - Earn a 5 star Speed rating - 10 points
26. The Book of Honor - Get 15 stars on one mission - 10 points
27. Fast Attack - Gain a second deployment in a single day - 15 points
28. Tireless warrior - Gain a third deployment in a single day - 15 points
29. Hero of the Imperium - Attain a Campaign Score of over 30000 points. Earnable in Single Player and by the host in Co-Op - 25 points
30. Legend - Attain a Campaign Score of over 90000 points. Earnable in Single Player and by the host in Co-Op - 25 points
31. In the name of the Emperor - Own all Strategic Assets in a Campaign. Earnable only in Single Player and by the host in Co-Op - 20 points
32. Elite - Max out a Combat Discipline on a squad. Earnable in Single Player and by the host in Co-Op - 10 points
33. Heavy Support - Reach Level 20 with one of your Squads. Earnable in Single Player and by the host in Co-Op - 10 points
34. Elite Strike Force - Create a 3 Player Party and Play a Ranked Multiplayer Game together - 10 points
35. Gladiator - Play 10 Ranked Multiplayer Games - 25 points
36. Wisdom of the Ancients - View a recorded game - 10 points
37. Veteran Victor - 100 ranked wins - 30 points
38. Aspect Warrior - 20 online ranked games completed with Eldar - 20 points
39. Angel of Death - 20 online ranked games played with Space Marines - 20 points
40. A proper Waaagh! - 20 online ranked games completed with Orks - 20 points
41. Great Devourer - 20 online ranked games completed with Tyranid - 20 points
42. Hail the Champion - Earn Champion rating 20 times during online ranked play - 25 points
43. Master of the Apothecarion - Revive your teammates 50 times during online ranked play - 30 points
44. Winning rush - Earn a 5 game Win streak during online ranked play - 20 points
45. Flawless victory - Achieve an online ranked victory with 500 victory points remaining - 20 points
46. Red Ones Go Fastah! - Create a Customized look for any race in the Army Painter - 5 points
47. Crush the Enemy - Complete Campaign on Primarch difficulty - 40 points
48. The Warboss - Complete "Raid Against the Warboss" - 30 points
49. The Avatar of Khaine - Complete "The Wailing Doom" - 30 points


Quatre fonds d'écran à utiliser comme bon vous semble
Par Nerces
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