Différents objets sont bien sûr présents pour aider les joueurs à résister et la bonne utilisation des mitrailleurs et autres grenades est la clef pour tenir. Afin que tous les amateurs puissent se mesurer les uns aux autres, un système de classement a été mis en place, la progression des héros est conservée sur les serveurs et elle est associée au gamertag du joueur. The Last Stand est un peu en retard sur le planning originel de Relic, mais son arrivée s'accompagne de divers correctifs / rééquilibrages destinés au mode multijoueur de Warhammer 40.000 : Dawn Of War 2. Enfin, nous avons une vidéo (en anglais hélas) pour illustrer le nouveau mode de jeu.
New Content
The Last Stand
Multiplayer Maps
Multiplayer Balance Updates
General Balance updates
Eldar Balance Updates
Ork Balance Updates
Space Marine Balance Updates
Tyranid Balance Updates
Bug Fixes
Ork Bug Fixes
Eldar Bug Fixes
Space Marine Bug Fixes
Tyranid Bug Fixes
The Last Stand
- Added The Last Stand, a new arcade survival mode where teams of three fight waves of increasingly deadly enemies
- Added new unique wargear, abilities and effects to the three heroes in The Last Stand
- Added The Last Stand leaderboards
- Hero progress is stored online and is associated with a player's gamertag
Multiplayer Maps
- Added (2p) Quest's Heresy map
- Added (4p) Hydris Chasm map
Multiplayer Balance Updates
General Balance updates
- The cost of the tier 3 upgrade is now 300 requisition, 150 power up from 200/100
- XP granted for Hormagaunts, Termagants, Sluggas, and Shootas has been brought in line with other tier 1 units
- Flame resistant armor type has been lowered to 25% fire damage mitigation, down from 50%
- Generator health has been increased to 600 from 500, a 20% increase
- All walkers except the Wraithlord had their speed increased from 4 to 4.5 m/s
- All personal teleport abilities now start on cooldown
- Walker charge cooldowns reduced from 8 seconds to 5
- Snipe damage now does 125% to heavy armor
- Melee heroes have had their weapon skill increased to 70 from 60. This will increase their chance to special attack units and reduce their chance of being special attacked. Heroes include: Force Commander, Apothecary, Warboss, Hive Tyrant, Lictor Alpha, Warlock and Farseer.
Eldar Balance Updates
- The Warlock's immolator blade damage over time is now set to piercing damage
- Telegraph on the Warp Spider Exarch's mass teleport now displays ~3 seconds before arrival
- The cast times on the Farseer's Doom, Fortune, and Guide spells have been removed
- Squad plans on rangers removed to correct erratic behavior
- The Eldar Avatar's Khaine's Wrath ability no longer damages nob squads that have activated the frenzy ability
- Ranger kinetic shot radius increased from 4 meters to 5.
- Ranger detection range increased from 30m to 40m
- Warlock Immolate and D-Cannon singularity no longer harms invulnerable units
- Aspect of Banshee health bonus increased from 20% to 30%
- Aspect of Banshee cost increased from 75/20 to 100/20
- Shuriken Cannon damage increased from 210 to 300
- Brightlance crew hp increased to 825 from 660
- Warp throw moved to tier 2
- Warp throw cost reduced to 100/30
Ork Balance Updates
- The Mekboys's electric armor now drains 6 energy/s, increased from 4/s
- Waaagh Shout cost has increased to 20 from 15
- Big stomp works on Spore Mines
- The Looted Tank is now affected by the Entangle ability
- The Kommando's Luv Da Dakka ability no longer takes them out of infiltrate when used
- Mekboy now has to set up after using the 'Ave a Taste ability
- The Mekboy can no longer teleport while using the Mega Rumblah ability
- Moved Stikkbommas to T2, Stkikkbommas now deal suppression damage
- Moved Lootas to T1, changed their damage to equal a Space Marine's Heavy Bolter
- Loota health increased to 250 from 200
- Increased suppression on Deffgun
- Deff Dread rampage no longer has health requirement
- Looted tank cost increased to 400/100 from 350/100
- Nob Frenzy now renders Nobs immune to most types of knockback.
- Stikkbomma stun grenade and stikkbomb range increased to 60 meters
- Stikkbomma stun grenade cooldown increased from 30 seconds to 60 seconds
- Stikkbomma stun grenades now explode on impact
- Stikkbomma stun grenades now no longer require a Bomma kit upgrade
- Stikkbomma stun grenades are now thrown in groups of 4
- Stikkbomma stun grenade cost changed from 20 Waaagh to 10
- Stikkbomma Bomma kit upgrade removed.
- Stikkbomma stikkbomb damage type now deals 150% damage vs heavy armor, up from 125%
- Stikkbomma squad cost changed to 360/20 from 280/30
- Kommando hero shotgun ability changed from pie area-of-effect to circle area-of-effect
- Slugga upgrade changed from 50/15 to 85/20, increases HP by 10%
Space Marine Balance Updates
- Techmarine's powerful sweep no longer affects retreating units
- Techmarine's powerful sweep damage increased from 40 to 60
- Scout shotgun knock back ability now causes suppression
- Scout shotgun cost changed to 75/15 from 40/20
- Scout weapon skill increased from 50 to 100
- Damage on the Techmarine's consecrated bolter has been increased to 60, up from 51
- Damage on the Techmarine's master crafted bolter has been increased to 65, up from 60
- The Venerable Dreadnought is now affected by the Entangle ability
- Orbital Bombardment no longer effects units that are invulnerable
- Assault Marine health increase on level increase reduced to 10% from 15%
- Tactical Marine health increase on level increase reduced to 10% from 15%
- Plasma gun damage reduced from 90 to 70
- Plasma gun damage vs infantry reduced to .7 from 1
- Plasma pistol damage reduced from 25 to 15
- Missile launcher upgrade time increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds
- Apothecary Power Axe energy regeneration reduced from 20 to 15
- Apothecary Master-Crafted bolter damage reduced from 75 to 65
- Battlecry now grants knockback immunity in most cases
Tyranid Balance Updates
- Hormagaunts have had their HP and damage decreased 10%
- The Hormagaunt adrenal gland upgrade now grants +1 speed, down from +1.5
- The Hormagaunt adrenal gland upgrade increased in cost to 75/20
- The Hormagaunt weapon skill increased to 55
- The Hormagaunt cost reduced to 270 requisition
- Increased the HP of the Zoanthrope by 25%
- Zoanthrope damage type changed to deal 150% damage to heavy armor
- Zoanthrope accuracy increased to 100%
- Zoanthrope damage decreased to 60 from 80
- Zoanthrope shield absorption ratio changed to 0.3 from 0.2.
- The cost of the Lictor Alpha's toxic cysts has increased to 120/25, up from 80/20
- The Lictor Elite jump, Toxic Cysts moved to tier 2
- Flesh hook cooldown increased from 40 to 70 seconds
- Barbed Strangler radius has decreased to 6m from 7m
- Termagants' devourer damage has increased from 7.65 to 8.8
- Termagant Toxin Sac upgrade now increases damage by 45%, up from 35% and increases max health by 10%
- Spore Mines are now affected by mines and burrow traps like ordinary units
- Spore Mines no longer explode when killed by another unit
- Spore Mines are now susceptible to melee attacks
- Spore Mines health decreased from 150 to 120
- Warrior Adrenal gland upgrade reduced from 200/20 to 100/20
- Warrior Adrenal glands now increases their HP by 20%
- The Ravener Corrosive devourer damage increased from 100 to 135
- The Ravener Acid Splatter now affects fire resisting units
- The Ravener Crippling Talon debuff effect increased to 35% from 25%
- Tyranid synapse death now inflicts 14% damage to regular units and 10% to Carnifexes
- Optimized sound files to reduce the amount of RAM they consume
- Added additional effects to 6p and 2p Calderis Refinery Maps
- Enabled pathing prediction for walkers and improved the predicted interaction between tanks and walkers
- Users are now able to select Ultra FX fidelity
- General AI improvements involving better resource and economy handling
- Added a readme.txt file for Traditonal Chinese to the root folder
Bug Fixes
- Adrenal glands, aspect of banshee, warrior adrenal glands, crippling poison upgrade and battle equipment stat bonuses should no longer fall off when loading into a hold
- Fixed tooltips for: Luv Da Dakka, Proximity Mines, Warriors, Heavy Flamer on FC Terminator, Carnifex Venom Cannon
- Fixed a positioning bug in 4p Calderis Refinery where players were only able to place one generator at around a specific listening post
- Fixed a bug where melee units would not respond if they were overlapping the melee circle of another melee entity
- Fixed a bug preventing melee units from automatically attacking vehicles when in melee combat
- Fixed a bug causing ranged units to be unresponsive when being attacked by enemy melee units
- Fixed a crash caused by casting an ability after changing squads while the game is paused
- Fixed a crash caused by HTTP request being in progress when HttpRequest object is destroyed
- Fixed a bug involving units standing unresponsive while in melee
- Fixed miscellaneous crashes involving squad combat states
- Fixed a bug causing grenades to fall through craters
- Fixed an issue where the user's Champion status might not contribute to their 'Hail the Champion' achievement
- Fixed bug where units would rarely leap after teleporting units they were engaged in melee with
- Players that drop during the loading screen no longer show up in the post-game summary screen
- Added sound cue when a player drops from a match
Ork Bug Fixes
- Fixed problems with Ork sync kill markers and non-looping sync death animations
Eldar Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the Banshee warshout ability disappeared if all Banshee units were killed except the squad's Exarch
- Removed squad plans on rangers to correct erratic behavior
- Fleet of Foot fires simultaneously between Eldar heroes and regular units when both are selected
Space Marine Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the Dreadnought's death animation was missing an explosion effect
Tyranid Bug Fixes
- Fixed a sound effect issue with the Ravener's burrow ability
- Fixed an animation bug involving the Zoanthrope's warpblast
- Fixed a bug involving the unreliability of the Hive Tyrant's invulnerability
- Fixed a bug where the Ravener hero's burrow ability would break if its energy was too low
- Fixed a bug where the Zoanthrope's warpblast would fire regardless if the unit had line of sight of its target
- Fixed missing sound for Screamer-Killer ability under some conditions