Ce rachat des parts d'Alcatel-Lucent dans Thalès (20,8%) aura couté 1,57 milliard d'euros à Dassault Aviation. « Le transfert des actions et le paiement de la transaction ont eu lieu en date du 19 mai », précisent les deux sociétés dans un communiqué. L'État aurait favorisé l'offre du fabricant de l'avion de combat Rafale et des jets Falcon, au détriment du groupe européen EADS.
Le nouveau conseil d'administration de Thalès (en anglais) : Luc Vigneron, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Thales, Bruno Bézard, Managing Director, French Government Shareholding Agency (APE), Marie-Paule Delpierre, director elected by employees, Charles Edelstenne, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Dassault-Aviation, Yannick d'Escatha, Chairman of CNES (French Space Agency), Roger Freeman, Consultant and Chairman of the Advisory Panel of PriceWaterhouseCoopers, London UK, Dominique Floch, director elected by employees, Stève Gentili, Chairman of BRED Banque Populaire, Philippe Lépinay, representative of employee shareholders, Didier Lombard, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of France Telecom, Pierre Mutz, Former Préfet of Ile de France Region, Bruno Parent, Inspecteur Général des Finances, previously Director of Competition Policy, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control, Loïk Segalen, Executive Vice President, Economic and Financial Affairs of Dassault-Aviation, Amaury de Sèze, Chairman of the board of Carrefour, Eric Trappier, Executive Vice President, International of Dassault-Aviation, TSA, represented by Bernard Rétat, Chairman of the Defence Commission of the ASD (AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe).